War Amps

War Amps

A philosophy of “amputees helping amputees” has been the hallmark of The War Amps since 1918, when the organization was founded by amputee war veterans returning home from the First World War. Peer support, self-help and practical assistance are common threads that have been retained in the modern-day organization that developed from their efforts.

Today, the Association continues to serve war amputees, and all Canadian amputees, including children.

Our aims and objectives are to:

Provide financial assistance to amputees for their artificial limbs
Educate amputees with information on artificial limbs and all aspects of living with amputation
Encourage child amputees to develop a positive approach to amputation through comprehensive programs including tools for future independence
Assist war amputees and seriously disabled veterans
Advocate for the rights and interests of all amputees
Employ amputees and others with disabilities at the Key Tag Service sheltered workshop and throughout the Association
Serve the public through the Key Tag Service, PLAYSAFE™ and DRIVESAFE™ programs and Operation Legacy initiatives

War Amps

TIGI Hard Head
Strong Hold Hairspray

Relentless hold and control – dries instantly! The more you use the harder it gets. Strong hold, subtle shine, and conditions as it controls hair. Adjusts hair’s pH.

Directions: Hold 10-12 inches and mist over dry, styled hair to lock in shape. Layer for increased firmness.

An incredible hairspray value!